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👋🏾 Hi, my name is KJ Kearney.

A picture of KJ Kearney faux typing for a photoshoot.
Shot by Sirena Singleton of The Aneris Collective.

My name is KJ Kearney and I am the founder of a social media account that encourages people to support Black owned food and beverage businesses by purchasing items from them every Friday. Or at least, every Friday you can. It’s called Black Food Fridays and you should follow that account right now. Anyway, I started that account on April 5, 2020. Since then, I have:

What is Black Food Fridays?

In it’s earliest stages, Black Food Fridays had one mission: To encourage people to purchase food and beverages from Black-owned businesses every Friday. Since then, the scope of BFF has expanded to telling the stories of Black-people in the food and beverage space. 

Who is Black Food Fridays for?

  • Anyone looking for the latest in Black food news, information, humor, and history.
  • Actively anti-racist people who enjoy food and beverages from across the African diaspora.
  • People who want to learn how to use food as a tool for community organizing.
  • Adventurous foodies looking for Black-owned spots to try from all over the world.

Who is Black Food Fridays NOT for?

  • White supremacist.
  • Racists.
  • People who’s initial reaction to seeing Black Food Fridays is to type “WhaT iF TheRE WaS a whiTe FooD WedNesDaY?”
  • Individuals in search of a place to openly disparage Black restaurants/consumer packaged goods brands.
  • Those interested in reading a bunch of articles about “The Man”. I do this for the culture, not the white gaze.